How to Customize Windows 11 23H2 Taskbar To Look Like macOS ...



macOS-style dock for Windows 10

I tried to replicate it with Adobe Photoshop as close as possible. The dock is fully designed by me, following macOS Design Guidelines.

Windows Taskbar is placed behind the Mac Dock in Coherence

Coherence view mode is designed to remove Windows Desktop and make Windows applications appear as if they were native Mac applications.

在Mac 上使用Dock

Mac 桌面上的Dock 是個便利的工具,方便你取用可能每天都會用到的App 和功能,例如「啟動台」和「垃圾桶」。 Dock 顯示App 圖像、「下載項目」堆疊以及「垃圾桶」. Dock 最多 ...

在Mac 上更改「桌面與Dock」設定

在Mac 上更改「桌面與Dock」設定. 在Mac 上,使用「桌面與Dock」設定來更改Dock 的外觀,以及選擇桌面、「幕前調度」、小工具、視窗和「指揮中心」的設定。

How to Add a Mac-Style Dock to Windows 10 and 11

Press the Dock Transparency button to bring up a window with transparency bars. Then you can drag those bar's sliders right to add transparency.

Windows 11 with Menubar and MacOs-like dock : rdesktops

With Win11's centered taskbar, it skips needing to hack the W10 one to use a dock instead. I recommend translucentTB and set it to acrylic so it matches better.

Mac Dock For Windows

This dock is one of the best available for people who are interested. It works like a Nexus Doc but has a Mac taskbar and some Mac animations.

How to Get MacOS Dock On Windows 11 | Easy Method

How to Get MacOS Dock On Windows 11 | Easy Method. 38K views · 1 ... Mac OS | New Task bar ( Dock ) || This is. Win Wizard •1.7K views.

MacOS Dock On Windows | Complete Dock Setup Guide

Welcome To The Link Vegas Channel. Here We Post Amazing Windows Customizations Videos Every Week. Now you Can Customize Your Windows Easily.

Get macOS Dock On Windows 11 Without Changing System Files

Easiest way to make Windows 11 look like macOS Sonoma without changing any system files, 2024 Edition.


ItriedtoreplicateitwithAdobePhotoshopascloseaspossible.Thedockisfullydesignedbyme,followingmacOSDesignGuidelines.,CoherenceviewmodeisdesignedtoremoveWindowsDesktopandmakeWindowsapplicationsappearasiftheywerenativeMacapplications.,Mac桌面上的Dock是個便利的工具,方便你取用可能每天都會用到的App和功能,例如「啟動台」和「垃圾桶」。Dock顯示App圖像、「下載項目」堆疊以及「垃圾桶」.Dock最多 ...,在Mac上...

XWindows Dock 2.03 - 立體效果的仿Mac工具列

XWindows Dock 2.03 - 立體效果的仿Mac工具列
